With all the madness in our colleges ranging from 'street part time jobs' to strengthening 'diplomatic relations' with some animals-in the name of money,any competent psychiatrist will give it a second thought. Maybe the line between a degree and employment has become too faint and as a result the students lack reasons to give the degree much attention it deserves since it is as good as nothing in the long run. That is highly illustrative of my point. Apart from the much talked about societal rot and moral decay,this could be yet another reason for the current drama from our campuses.
Meymuna Abdullahi,a school of Humanities and Social Science student at Kenyatta University says with unshakable surety that indeed the current unemployment figures works against students ambitions.''The never ending discussion on unemployment is perilous to vintage performances,”she says with a show of worry.”I have a friend(Mercy) who tells me that she would rather 'hustle' in town than 'waste' her time cracking books to no avail. It hinders us from realizing our full potential.”She concludes. Such confessions would obviously worry anyone,not only the Mugo Kibati led board spearheading the realization of the ambitious development blueprint;Vision 2030,whose future directly depends on the now demotivated students.
Mr.Patrick Wameyo,Executive Director,Financial Academy and Technologies Limited is for the contrary idea. He politely accepts that indeed,it is demoralizing those whose minds are employment programmed.”You can't expect anything adorable from a demoralized spirit,''He says with much concern. However,he adds that all is not lost though.''This appalling situation provides a perfect opportunity for students with entrepreneurial minds to flourish and those with talents to shine.''He adds with renewed hopes.''The students must learn to sharpen their skills and engage their minds instead of willingly offering themselves to the highly risky jobs as gigolo or even hardcore criminals. With this we are sure of adept polished men and women who will evidently drive this economy to the admirable status.''He concludes.
As said earlier,a lot of energy is misdirected in our campuses due to 'lack of a better thing to do''.Not that the curriculum is inflated but just because of demoralizing situation all around us. Apparently,it is not the first time you are hearing of students missing all classes only to show up during examinations or periodic tests(CATs).Lectures are probably tired of pulling the students from their busy schedule to attend the classes. Ms.Beryl Evans,a third year student tries to shed light on this recent trend,''This is indeed a disturbing discussion,the colleges themselves are confusing,I remember last semester I had thirty out of thirty in the CAT and ended up with a D(30-39marks),so everyone would be curious how I could possibly perform that dismally in the final examination which was out of seventy marks. My conscience is clear and I think some lectures do not mark the scripts;or maybe they mark by estimation,''the adorable girl says with remorse.''Our current college structures discourages anyone and when you add it up to the current unemployment,it comes to the worst. It is the cause of all these discouraged students.''
This could be the reason behind all these anomalies in our colleges currently.
But its funny how other students manage to wade through the waters and cross the bridge safe. The sun which melts wax is the same one which hardens clay.''It is all in the mind,''Mr. Nashon,a pastor and motivational speaker states with impeccable clarity.''To avoid avoid unseemly teething problems outside,the students must now learn to arm themselves with bubbly personality and decorous behavior,everyone likes well behaved employees.''The former student who seems to have a lot to share on this concludes.
Most universities and institution are evidently upsetting the status quo by setting up incubation centers where the students can better spend their time. Kenyatta University for instance takes pride of encouraging entrepreneurship and hopefully transforming the mindset of this troubled generation. Instead of students waiting with abated breath 'what future holds for them',they can as well convert their energies to developing their own routes to success.
But for the students who still holds faith to employment,it would only be prudent if you study the current market needs and bend towards such requirements. Priorities are fast shifting for employers and the students must match up. They no longer hunt for 'First Class Honors''but have narrowed down their needs to simple and neglected areas. Instead of conducting the now boring boardroom interviews,they have developed affection for open air chats and spying in social media. As long as we still take no notice and post all types of dirty crap in our status-someone is watching and we will still be unemployed for a while. We must watch our morals,Its the simple things that count.
Mr.Waldegard Otieno,an alumni of Strathmore University and accountant with construction firm advises that academics should not be an end in itself.''No man is an island,not even academics. You must couple your credentials with unmatched degree of moral maturity and wide base of general knowledge.''
We must polish our language and resist the trendy 'sheng' influence,the current mushrooming of colleges and 'appetizing' courses should not lure us into pursuing a course which makes little or no sense. We must be choosy. Engaging in campus madness due to demotivation will injure our future. Thinking differently to this effect is necessary
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